Overcoming imposter syndrome

addressing microaggressions, and defining professional boundaries

Female gastroenterologists face many barriers that negatively affect their capacity to explore their full potential in the field, reach leadership positions, and achieve their career goals and professional satisfaction.

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Closing the gender gap in gastroenterology leadership

the need for effective and comprehensive allyship

There are clear gender disparities in leadership positions at gastroenterological organisations, with women representing only 19% of all gastroenterology fellowship programme directors and divisional or departmental chairs in academic institutions in the USA and only 20% of editorial board members in gastroenterology and hepatology journals.

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Matrix Mentorship

Matrix Mentorship Program provides an experience ‘intangible of currency value’

When the founders of Scrubs & Heels created the Matrix Mentorship Program in 2022, they wanted to elevate the careers of female gastroenterologists by going beyond traditional mentorship and focusing on a broader definition of success.

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A call to action

The unhealthy state of parental leave policies in gastroenterology

Despite strong evidence of the mental and physical health benefits of paid parental leave on parents, children and the community, the Unites States is one of only six countries that does not offer it.

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Closing the gender gap

Building a successful career and leadership in research as a female gastroenterologist

The pillars of academic promotion include clinical service, research, teaching, and public engagement.Although women are more likely than men to pursue a career in academia after a gastroenterology fellowship (40% of women vs 25% of men choose this path)

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Why Scrubs & Heels ?

Scrubs and Heels event aims to empower its ‘tribe’ of women in GI

In this podcast with S & H cofounders we discuss the challenges and potential of women in GI and the “why” of ScrubsNHeels 

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Check Dr Afzali and Dr Charabaty’s answers to those 3 questions from the Healio Gastroenterology team

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In this video exclusive with Healio GastroenterologyAnita Afzali, MD, MPH, and Aline Charabaty, MD, co-founders of Scrubs and Heels, announced the Scrubs and Heels Summit.

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Matharoo M, Sethi A and Charabaty A. Towards meaningful change

The Future of Gastroenterology belongs to Women, Diversity, equity and inclusion. The Lancet Gastroenterology and Hepatology. July 2021. DOI: 10.1016/S2468-1253(21)00175-8

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Duong N, Bollipo S, Repaka A, Sebastian S, Tennyson C and Charabaty A. When burn-out reaches a pandemic level in gastroenterology

A Call for a more Sustainable Work-Life Balance. Frontline Gastroenterology. March 2021

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Charabaty A and Shah N. Advocacy in gastroenterology

Advancing health policies for our patients and our profession. GI & Hepatology News. February 2021.

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Gaidos J. Conversations with women in GI : Aline Charabaty , MD

Changing institutions and building a social media presence. March 2020.

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Balzora S, Afzali A and Bewtra M. Social Media – the next glass ceiling? Gastroenterology July 2021. DOI


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Scrubs & Heels: How an Organization Aims to Close Gender Disparities in GI

Although the rate of females in gastroenterology has increased, gender disparities such as equal pay and leadership positions still persist.

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Scrubs & Heels is focused on empowering women in GI

Career Development, Dr. Aline Charabaty, Dr. Anita Afzali, Dr. Lisa Mathew, Early-Career, Johns Hopkins University, Leadership, Scrubs & Heels, South Denver GI, University of Cincinnati School of Medicine, Women in GI. June 2022

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Dr Marla Dubinsky at Scrubs & Heels Summit 2022: Lead like a women

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Dr Jami Kinnucan at Scrubs & Heels 2022: How to strike work-life integration

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Dr Jami Kinnucan at the Scrubs & Heels Summit 2022: How to negotiate like a women

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Dr Aline Charabaty at the Scrubs & Heels Summit 2022: Social media branding open doors in your career

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Dr Lauren Powell at Scrubs & Heels Summit 2022: Lean into your purpose to be an effective leader

Dr Jennifer Christie at Scrubs & Heels Summit 2022: Let’s help unleash everyone’s potential

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Dr Maria Abreu at Scrubs & Heels Summit 2022: Female physicians can change the landscape of GI

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Scrubs & Heels Summit 2022 in review on Haelio Gastro